University of Oxford

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George, soldier and martyr, and Companions

online resource
posted on 2015-05-06, 00:00 authored by CSLA Admin
All evidence related to George, soldier and martyr, and Companions.


Saint ID



  • Male
  • Female

Type of Saint


Feast Day


Name in other Language(s)

Athanasios, magician converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Original Alphabet) Ἀθανάσιος, magician converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Transcribed) Γεώργιος, soldier and martyr - Greek (Original Alphabet) ⲅⲉⲱⲣⲅⲓⲟⲥ, soldier and martyr - Coptic (Original Alphabet) ܓܐܘܪܓܝܤ, soldier and martyr - Syriac (Original Alphabet) Ἀνατόλιος, general converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Original Alphabet) Anatolios, general converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Transcribed) Ἀλεξάνδρα, queen converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Original Alphabet) Alexandra, queen converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Transcribed) Ἀείκων, servant converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Original Alphabet) Aeikon, servant converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Transcribed) Γλυκάδης, servant converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Original Alphabet) Glykades, servant converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Transcribed) Λαστηρῖνος, servant converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Original Alphabet) Lasterinos, servant converted by George, and then martyred - Greek (Transcribed) Glegon, servant converted by George, and then martyred - Coptic (Transcribed) Klegatios, servant converted by George, and then martyred - Coptic (Transcribed) Lansiarios, servant converted by George, and then martyred - Coptic (Transcribed) Mandrianos, servant converted by George, and then martyred - Coptic (Transcribed) Πολυχρονία, mother of George and fellow martyr - Greek (Original Alphabet) Polychronia, mother of George and fellow martyr - Greek (Transcribed) Theognosta, mother of George and fellow martyr - Coptic (Transcribed)

Number in BH

BHG 669y-672b, 675, 678-679

Region of Birth/Life

Asia Minor

Related Evidence Records

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    Saints - The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity



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